Charlie Luxton partners with Samsung to drive low-carbon heating in the UK

London, UK – 14th March, 2022  At Samsung Climate Solutions, we believe that in order to reach the government’s decarbonisation targets for heating, it is essential to increase the awareness of greener heating options such as heat pumps. To help achieve this aim, we have partnered with architectural designer Charlie Luxton to communicate the importance of this technology.

Best known for presenting TV programs such as Building the Dream and Homes by the Sea, Charlie’s own architecture practice channels his passion for the environment and sustainable building. His expertise and innovative approach to design make Charlie a natural ambassador of Samsung Eco Heating Systems.

We are constantly innovating, developing, and optimising our air source heat pump offering to support the transition to cleaner and greener energy. Traditional gas boilers operate on fossil fuels, such as gas or oil, to heat buildings or provide hot water, whereas Samsung’s air source heat pumps use electricity and energy available in the outside air to generate heat.

Speaking on his passion for the topic, Charlie said: “In terms of sustainable design and green heating, the housing stock is responsible for a huge amount of CO2 production. So clearly if you’re interested in the environment and climate change, and you’re involved in architecture, there is a massive problem that needs to be tackled.”

“If we’re talking about the kind of numbers that we need to be hitting, you need large corporations to invest and develop, and the fact that Samsung are doing that is a really good mix for the challenge that we’ve got ahead of us. Working with a company that are not only interested in delivering new heat pump technology into the market, but also providing a wider support mechanism to get people to understand the point of heat pumps and how they should be used, is what we need.”

On his vision for decarbonisation in the next ten years, Charlie explains: “We need to make a serious national investment in our housing stock. Fundamentally, I think we need a massive drive on insulation and a massive drive on changing the heat source; there has to be a hand in glove approach.”

Jon Brigly, Marketing Manager at Samsung Climate Solutions, added, “Charlie is a great partner for us due to our shared passion for driving the switch to low-carbon heating. We look forward to working together on content to raise awareness of air source heat pumps and how to heat homes more sustainably.”

For more information on Samsung Eco Heating Systems, click here.


Press ReleaseClimate SolutionsSamsung Climate SolutionsSamsung Eco Heating Systems
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