Revealed – The ‘Top 10 Cleaning Jobs the Nation Loves to Show Off

(Photo caption: Samsung’s new Bespoke Jet™ vacuum cleaner)

With the official start of spring on 20th March and to celebrate the launch of Samsung’s new Bespoke Jet™ vacuum cleaner, which helps users ditch dust for good, Samsung Electronics (UK) Ltd. polled the nation to understand the ‘top 10’ cleaning jobs they love to show off ahead of visitor season – with ‘a spotless bathroom, with shiny tiles, taps and mirrors’ (34%) topping the list.

The survey of 2,000 UK adults reveals an ‘immaculate kitchen, with small appliances put away and the sink gleaming’ (29%) and ‘a tidy sofa, with plump cushions’ (28%) were ranked second and third on the list respectively, followed by ‘gleaming surfaces, freshly wiped and polished’ (26%).

‘Top 10’ Cleaning Jobs Households Feel Proud to Show Off to Visitors:

  1. A spotless bathroom, with shiny tiles, taps and mirrors – 34%
  2. Immaculate kitchen, with small appliances put away neatly and the sink gleaming – 29%
  3. Tidy sofa, with plump cushions – 28%
  4. Gleaming surfaces, freshly wiped and polished – 26%
  5. A clean and shiny oven, with the silver racks shining – 23%
  6. A beautifully made bed, with plump pillows – 23%
  7. A perfectly clean and tidy fridge – 22%
  8. Neat and tidy cupboards – 21%
  9. Vacuum marks in the carpet, showing where you’ve vacuumed – 18%
  10. A fully defrosted freezer, with clear shelves showing neatly stacked frozen food – 15%

With the official day of spring on 20th March, people across the UK are looking to get stuck in with various spring-cleaning jobs, including cleaning the windows (46%), wiping down the kitchen units (37%), cleaning the oven (37%) and emptying and cleaning the fridge (36%). Whilst the regular cleaning jobs individuals enjoy most are vacuuming (30%), followed by doing the laundry (25%) and making the bed (23%).

The study also looked at the ways individuals are preparing their homes ready to host loved ones in the warmer months ahead. Over half of the nation (52%) are looking to prepare their homes, including cleaning garden furniture (37%), revamping the garden with new plants (34%) and repainting the walls (33%), followed by deep cleaning the carpets (31%), updating home furnishings (31%) and cleaning the BBQ (24%).

The next big occasion that those polled are looking to host loved ones is Easter (21%), with the nation looking to put on drinks (31%), host a BBQ (27%) and organise a garden party (26%). Whilst a roast dinner (23%), takeaway (22%) and dinner party (21%) also made the top of the list.

To give households a helping hand whilst preparing their homes to host this spring/summer, Samsung’s teamed up with ‘cleaninfluencer’, The Organised Mum, who’s shared her sparkling hacks:

  1. Now that the weather is getting a little warmer, don’t be afraid to let the fresh air in. It is the best way to get rid of lingering smells that might have built up without you noticing. After everyone being couped up inside during the winter months, your home will thank you for giving it a good airing. And the best bit? It’s completely free and your home will smell as fresh as a daisy.
  2. It doesn’t matter how much you have scrubbed and tidied, if your home doesn’t smell clean then it might make your visitors turn up their nose. Once you have aired your home, you can now add in some of your favourite scents. A lovely way to do this is to embrace diffusers and your favourite essential oil. Try and stay away from artificial fragrances as they tend to mask bad smells and make them worse. Air your home first and then add in a lovely fresh scent.
  3. Has the housework fallen to the bottom of the list because you have had no visitors? If you feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start, then begin with a room that you use the most. This will make the biggest visual impact. If you are short on time, stick to the big-ticket items that will make the biggest difference. I always usually start with either the kitchen or the living room (I like to think of these as the engine rooms of the home).
  4. Wash pet bedding and pet bowls. This is often something that gets forgotten about but is so important. Doggy smells are the worst so make sure you pay attention to the source of the smell, the pet bedding, the feeding bowls and maybe even get your pet groomed too. You might love your pet to pieces, but your guests probably won’t appreciate any nasty smells.
  5. As the sun comes out and starts to shine through the windows, it can reveal a layer of dust that has accumulated over the darker months, now is the time to tackle it. Grab a cloth and dampen it ever so slightly. Use this on the dusty surfaces. The damp cloth will trap dust onto the fabric ensuring you are not moving the dust back into the air again.
  6. Use the attachments on your vacuum such as the dedicated one that you can find on the Samsung Bespoke Jet™ vacuum. Yes, the crevice tool and soft brush attachments are there for a reason! Use the soft brush attachment to run along skirting boards and woodwork and use the crevice tool to get in those hard-to-reach areas that might not have seen a vacuum in a while.
  7. Get mother nature doing a bit of cleaning too. Adding some indoor plants will not only brighten up your home, but certain varieties can help to clean the air. How about trying a Spider Plant?
  8. Look up, can you see any cobwebs? Get that Samsung Bespoke Jet™ vacuum out again and pop on the soft brush attachment. Get into all the corners of the ceilings and cornicing. Start from one corner of the room and work your way around methodically. Don’t neglect your light fittings, especially fabric lampshades as they can attract a lot of dust. You can use folded over sticky tape to gently lift dirt from a fabric lampshade.
  9. Do you have guests staying overnight? When was the last time you flipped or vacuumed the mattress? Vacuuming the mattress will help get rid of trapped dirt and dust, so will really help an overnight guest who has allergies. If you can (and the weather is on your side) try and get your mattress outside into the fresh air as this will help to get rid of any stale odours. If you are unable to get it outside, then strip the mattress of all sheets and open the windows in the bedroom.
  10. Freshen up rugs by getting them into the fresh air. Try beating as much of the excess dirt out as you can and then vacuum both sides so that you don’t bring the dirt back into your home.

Dan Harvie, VP, Head of Home Appliances, Samsung Electronics (UK) Ltd: “Our research reveals we’re a nation of cleaning loving individuals, with almost a third (29%) deep cleaning their homes every 3-6 months – and 15 per cent more than every three months!


“Vacuuming topped the list of regular cleaning jobs the nation enjoys the most, which is encouraging as we’ve just launched the Bespoke Jet™ vacuum, a cordless vacuum cleaner with an All-in-One Clean Station™ that can automatically empty the dust and delivers hygienic cleaning – making spring cleaning even easier.”


Home AppliancesPress ReleaseBespoke JetcleaninfluencerCleaningSamsung Bespoke JetSamsung HomeSamsung Home AppliancesSamsung ResearchSpring Cleaningvacuum
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