A810YZZZT1CRG6 | Samsungファームウェア by csc | JA

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Samsung ファームウェア リスト
DeviceModelRegionPDA/AP VersionCSC VersionMODEM/CP VersionOs VersionBuild Date
Samsung Galaxy A8 ⑥SM-A810YZBRI


Samsung Experience 9.0 upgrade with Android Oreo

Samsung Experience 9.0 brings you Android Oreo, with exciting new features from Samsung and Google based on feedback from users like you.

We recommend that you back up your important data to keep it safe during the upgrade.
Some apps, including Samsung Pay, Samsung Internet, Samsung Notes, and Email, should be updated individually before you can update your OS.

Here’s what’s new.

To improve your security, features that use biometrics (face, fingerprints) are only available when you use a secure screen lock type (pattern, PIN, or password). When you switch to a non-secure screen lock type (Swipe or None), biometric authentication is suspended for unlocking and for verification in apps like Samsung Pay and Samsung Pass. If you're using biometrics now without a secure screen lock type, you'll be able to continue after the upgrade, but changing to a secure screen lock type is recommended.


Samsung 独自のユーティリティ、Samsung Smart Switch および OTA (Over-the-air) を使用してデバイスをアップグレードすることをお勧めします。デバイスのフラッシュに伴うリスクについて 100% 確信がある場合にのみ、このサイトを使用してください csc: A810YZZZT1CRG6。当サイトのファイルを使用したことにより生じたいかなる損害についても責任を負いません。

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