[DIY] Now Work from Home Conveniently by Accessing your PC on Samsung TV

The world is changing and so is the way GenZ & millennials work. More and more workplaces are adopting hybrid work model now. Despite being convenient, it poses a challenge in accessing files from work PC on home computer. But what if you could access all your work files right on your TV screen?

Your Samsung TV makes it possible, and that too without much hassle. With PC on TV feature, you can now remotely access your work computer on your TV screen. What’s more?

You don’t need to be tech-savvy to set up PC on TV – just follow these simple steps and you’re good to go:

• Press the Home button on the TV remote
• Select PC on TV from Source menu
• Select Windows PC
• Install ‘Easy Connection to Screen’ App on your PC
• Log in with your Samsung account
• When your PC name appears as an icon on TV, select it to connect your PC

Watch the video here:


TV & AudioDIYEasy Connection to Screen AppSamsung TV
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