[Invitation] Galaxy Unpacked 2022: The New Epic Standard of Smartphone Experiences

True innovations don’t just evolve with the world – they help shape it. To create the devices that push us ahead, rewrite the future and bring light to the dark, we must continue to break the rules of what is possible with a smartphone.

Join Samsung Electronics on February 9 2022 for the next Galaxy Unpacked as we set an epic new standard for smartphones with the most noteworthy S series ever created.

Check out the event live on Samsung’s YouTube channel starting at 08.30 p.m. IST 10 a.m. EST for an in-depth look at the devices that will shape the future of mobile.

Stay tuned to Samsung Newsroom India for more updates ahead of the event, as well as for all the latest device information and media resources.

Join us February 9 as Samsung sets an epic new standard for what a smartphone can do with devices that will rewrite the future.


MobileEpic StandardGalaxy S SeriesGalaxy UnpackedSamsung GalaxySamsung UnpackedUnpacked 2022
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