Youth in Bhubaneswar Wants to Solve Problems Around Mental Health, Agricultural Inefficiencies, Waste Management and Upskilling with Solve for Tomorrow

At an education and innovation roadshow organized by Samsung India in Bhubaneswar young school and college students came forward and identified problems that people and society are facing in the state and the country, pledging to Solve for Tomorrow.

Students in Bhubaneswar said they want to solve real-world problems such as job security for daily wage laborers, mental wellness for school students, safe disposal of sanitary napkins, livelihood for local fishermen around Chilka Lake, lack of plastic reuse, crop damage due to rodents, reusing agricultural waste, among others. They said they require a platform such as Samsung’s Solve for Tomorrow education and innovation competition that can guide and support them in turning their ideas into action and help transform people’s lives.

The event, which was organized to talk about Samsung’s global CSR program Solve for Tomorrow, was attended by over 400 students in Bhubaneswar alongside a young innovator from the city – Pritam Dhalla, co-founder at Larkai Healthcare that has developed a medical device that capture data from the heart in 30 seconds. His company provides screening to rural patients.

The innovator, who currently runs a successful social enterprise, spoke to the students about his experiences of success and failure and his vision to transform communities around him.

The inaugural edition of Solve for Tomorrow is inviting applications from youth in India aged 16-22 years in the areas of Education, Environment, Healthcare and Agriculture. Youth can send in their ideas to participate in the program till 5 pm on July 31, 2022.

Application website:

So far, over 7,000 teams from across the country have registered for the innovation competition in which three national winners will get mega support of up to INR 1 crore and mentoring support for six months to take their ideas to the next level under the expert guidance of IIT Delhi.


CitizenshipBhubaneswarSamsungSolve for Tomorrow
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