Top 50 SFT Teams Meet at IIT Delhi Bootcamp, Gen Z Embraces Different Cultures, Languages and Unleashes their True Potential to Innovate

Over the last weekend, 10 young Samsung employees from various parts of the organisation had a unique job assigned to them. They were the jury for the Solve for Tomorrow education and innovation competition in India, tasked with judging the teams that have reached the top 50 in the competition.

Between September 15 and 17, the jury and 118 bright young minds from across 18 states and 1 union territory of India were gathered at the prestigious IIT Delhi campus for a three-day bootcamp where the Solve for Tomorrow participants were groomed on designing thinking and how to pitch their ideas to a jury.

The chosen 50 teams, with youth aged between 16-22, were here for the next phase of ‘Solve for Tomorrow’, where they further developed their ideas to solve the world’s most pressing issues. With the support and expertise of Samsung’s knowledge partner FITT, IIT Delhi, the 50 teams were mentored by trainers from IIT Delhi to help them enhance their ideas.

The three-day weren’t all work with no play. The ‘Solvers’ met each other only to find out how brilliant each of their ideas were. They embraced different cultures, languages and food as it was a house full of diversity with teams from across India.

At the end of the bootcamp, the young jury finally got down to tallying the scores for each team and picked the Top 10 teams that came up with the best ideas in the areas of environmental conservation, making healthcare more accessible to the less privileged, menstrual hygiene for rural women and stress management, among others.

Let us show you a few glimpses of the thought-provoking three-days, and introduce you to our exciting, and excited jury members


CitizenshipBootcampFITTIIT DelhiSamsungSFT Top 10SFT Top 50Solve for Tomorrow
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