[AI Forum 2022] Samsung Research Explains Hyperscale AI: What Is It and Where Is It Going?

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology will soon become even more prevalent in our lives.

With increasing popularity in research studies about future AI technology, there is an even higher expectation that AI will bring more value to our daily lives. On November 8 and 9, Samsung Electronics hosted the Samsung AI Forum 2022 to share the progress of AI research and explore more ways for the industry to advance. World-renowned scholars and experts who attended this year’s forum focused on hyperscale AI, an AI model that can evolve to the human level of thinking by processing massive amounts of data.

Samsung Newsroom met with Vice President Joohyung Lee at Samsung Research’s1 Global AI Center to hear more about the main topics discussed during the second day of the forum, which Samsung Research hosted. Learn more about upcoming technology trends and the future vision of AI research introduced by Samsung Research in the infographic below.


TechnologyAI Into the FutureAI TechnologyAIAI Expert VoicesSAITSamsung AI ForumSamsung AI Forum 2022Samsung Research
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