S908NKSU2BVL3 | Samsung firmwares by modem | EN

⏩ Download the latest Samsung firmware ✅️ modem S908NKSU2BVL3. Full list of firmwares available for download

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Samsung firmware list
DeviceModelRegionPDA/AP VersionOs VersionBuild Date
Samsung Galaxy S22 UltraSM-S908NKOOS908NKSU2BVL3/S908NOKR2BVL3/S908NKSU2BVL313
Samsung Galaxy S22 UltraSM-S908NLUCS908NKSU2BVL3/S908NOKR2BVL3/S908NKSU2BVL313
Samsung Galaxy S22 UltraSM-S908NSKCS908NKSU2BVL3/S908NOKR2BVL3/S908NKSU2BVL313
Samsung Galaxy S22 UltraSM-S908NKTCS908NKSU2BVL3/S908NOKR2BVL3/S908NKSU2BVL313

We recommend using Samsung’s own utilities, Samsung Smart Switch and OTA (Over-the-air), to upgrade devices. Use our site only if you are 100% sure about the risks involved in flashing your device modem: S908NKSU2BVL3. We is not responsible for any damage caused by using the files on this website.
The Firmwares provided here are all official Samsung's Android Firmwares and has NOT been modified by anyway as we get them directly from KIES servers.
⏩ We live-monitor all firmware updates for every Samsung device, in over 500 regions.
✅️ Beware, Manually flashing firmwares may brick your device, use it at your own risk and follow our tutorial steps.

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